Sunday 28 August 2016

Small things

I love old hymns. The famous ones, and the not-so-well-known ones. I love thinking, as I listen to, or sing them, of the people from ages past, who received strength from the words, who had their hearts lifted, and were able to bow down at the - often very beautifully written - words of adoration and praise to our Saviour. 

Here's one I only found recently. It's another Fanny Crosby favourite. All the way my Saviour Leads me. And it starts with my favourite poem of hers - "Oh what a happy soul I am, although I cannot see..." Sung by The Haven Quartet, the rendition is simple and lovely.

The story behind this is that Fanny Crosby was desperately in need of five dollars.
She, as was her custom, prayed about it, and a stranger appeared at her door, with exactly five dollars for her. "I have no way of accounting for this", she said "except to believe that God put it into the heart of the good man to bring the money. My first thought was that it is so wonderful the way the Lord leads me. I immediately wrote the poem and Dr. Lowry set it to music."

The third verse isn't sung in the version above - it's beautiful -

All the way my Savior leads me;

  Oh, the fullness of His grace!

Perfect rest to me is promised
  In my Father’s blest embrace.
When my spirit, clothed immortal,
  Wings its flight to realms of day,
This my song through endless ages:
  Jesus led me all the way,
This my song through endless ages:
  Jesus led me all the way.

I listened to a Bill Johnson book recently - Experience the Impossible. One of the most memorable parts for me was when he talked about having so little that you ask God for the seed to sow. A small prayer, but when answered, can lead to amazing change and miracles. Sorry I can't find the quote - it's taking me hours of re-listening, and I'm not there yet. When I get there, I'll put it up.

I'm grateful today for the people who have gone before me who prayed for seed to sow, and with it, changed the world. And to our God, who graciously gives to those who ask.

Here's another post with more about Fanny Crosby.

Have a wonderful Sunday.

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