Saturday 9 March 2019

Ten of the Best #149

Morning everyone. It's just a "normal" weekend. how simply lovely. That means lots of time to do the things we love - including catching up on everything that we didn't see during the week. The funny stuff on our timelines, and the things that made us smile, and think, and be better humans.

Here's the first. Oh, the irony! The hipster objects, because of a photo used in an article pointing out that counterculture "revolutions" sometimes land up looking fairly, well, heterogeneous. The article-writer couldn't have invented a better true-life example. 

And in other ironies, here's the Trump twin deficit story....

Reading this article, you can almost smell the bread baking. Loved it.

How interesting is this? The need for grace in politics and leadership - from Cass Sunstein, a Harvard Law professor, amongst many other academic qualifications.

Beautiful birds... if you can skip over all the ads.

While we are on the topic of pictures - funniest girlfriend pics - this one in response to "send pics of underwear" 😂

Wait, they told the woman who was winning the cycling race - in front of the men. Whaaaaat?

How workism is making us miserable. 

But wait, there's a new fix for that - a nasal spray... we'll  see.

And we'll sing out with the Jonas Brothers - slow to start, but quite sweet.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.

Saturday 2 March 2019

Ten of the Best #148

Time for a quick Ten? 

Why yes, I think I do.

Here are the things I loved, but didn't have time to read/watch this week - from your timelines. Thank you, one and all.

Grab your tea, let's do this.

Nike, showing them what crazy can do.

This twitter feed, on printers... 😂 so much of truth here.