Saturday 9 February 2019

Ten of the Best #147

Good morning, and welcome to the Ten that's hardly ever Ten, it's usually more, because I find such interesting stuff to read and watch on your timelines, that when I finally settle in to do so, this post is the result. And even though it was the SOTU in the US and the SONA here in SA, don't worry, you won't find that here today.

Grab your brew, settle down, and click on the links, or keep scrolling if you're not interested.

Abortion was all over our timelines this week - with a bill passed that allowed late-term abortions setting fires alight across the world. This was my favourite article.

A Grammy Host is born... Love it.

I love this woman - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Click the meme of my other favourite woman this week - Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the woman who invented the sarcastic clap at Trump's SOTU address.

Tuesday 5 February 2019

Sea Glass by Anita Shreve

Anita Shreve has written some books I've loved -  Fortune's Rocks, for instance. And who could forget The Pilot's Wife? Well blow me down with a feather if those aren't book one and book three of the Fortune's Rocks series, and here I stand with book two in my clingy little hands, and a long reading holiday ahead of me (with plenty to read already, mind you) and think this must be a sign.

It's early 1929 in New Hampshire, and Honora has just married Sexton Beecher. They've also purchased a house on the beach that needs a lot of attention. As does a newly married husband, Honora soon discovers. As the textile industry around them crumbles and falls, Sexton's previous errors of judgment in his job selling typewriters are uncovered, and the little community deals with the Great Depression, early labour uprisings, poverty, need and sickness and death.

The book is beautifully written, has a gorgeous setting, and some unforgettable characters. Here are some quotes:-

"Honora laid these flaws aside as one might overlook a small stain on a beautifully embroidered tablecloth one wanted to buy, only later to discover, when it was on the table and all the guests were seated around it, that the stain had become a beacon, while the beautiful embroidery lay hidden in everybody's laps."

"The only problem with looking for sea glass", Sexton says one day when he and Honora are walking along the beach, "is that you never look up. You never see the view. You never see the houses or the ocean because you're afraid you'll miss something in the sand."

Yay for well-stocked second-hand bookshops. They can brighten up the dreariest of mornings, and in this case, add an enormous pile of books to the luggage we carried about on a road trip, but also gave us many many more hours of reading pleasure. What's not to love?

4 stars

ISBN: 9780316859103

Monday 4 February 2019

Waiting waiting waiting

Getting up early to walk or run on a Monday morning, needing inspiration. Looking for music that speaks to me in some way, today I stumbled upon Majozi's Waiting, and I think I found that perfect song for today.

Sometimes it feels like I do nothing right
I just walk, and walk without the end in sight

This morning this was apt. We got a little lost, you see. And we landed up far off the beaten track, with every attempt to get back on taking us in a new direction. Wanting to end our walk now, we upped the pace, but it was only when we found ourselves back on the main path that we could confidently stride, knowing we'd reach our destination.

And today, I'm doing some waiting. Waiting for people. Waiting for outcomes. Waiting for inspiration and direction. I know it'll come, but some already would be good.

I've been waiting, for you all my life
You've been running, through my dreams at night
I've been searching, for the longest time

How about you? What are you waiting for? Are you patient while the time passes? Or do you want to run ahead of yourself, off the path, and take even longer to reach your destination.

However you're doing it, I hope you find it within yourself to slow down, think it through and enjoy the journey.

Enjoy the run/walk/workout. And the music.

Sunday 3 February 2019

Ten of the best #146

I know, I know. I've been a little distracted... But there's nothing like a few hours of watching your sister undergo plasma treatment and great hospital wi-fi to inspire you to recap the best from your timelines and enjoy the experience... (If you don't know what I'm talking about, here's the story.)

Clearly, I've been living under a rock - I hadn't seen this..."You should've asked" - my least favourite husbanding term. It is, in fact, banned from our house.

And guess what? It makes us feel empty, all this invisible labour.

This has inspired the following message to men - since they will say we should have told THEM.

Friday 1 February 2019

Friday Books - The Clockmaker's Daughter

Welcome to BookBeginnings and Friday56 - where we share books on Fridays. It's a great way to start the weekend.

Book Beginnings is hosted by Rose City Reader.

 Here's the beginning of the book I'm featuring today.

Such beautiful writing from one of my favourite authors, on the very first page.

At Freda's Voice, you'll find the Friday56, where the excerpt comes from page 56 or 56% in your Kindle.

Here's page 56 of .The Clockmaker's Daughter by Kate Morton.

 I'm not sure nostalgia's ever in vogue, but I like the notion. Isn't this the way prettier cover?

I have done a review, for those of you who're interested to read further.

What are you reading this weekend? I'd love to visit your blog and check it out.