Friday 22 July 2016

Friday Books - The Kept Woman

On Fridays I participate in BookBeginnings, hosted by Rose City Reader, and The Friday 56 - hosted by Freda’s Voice. Both involve sharing excerpts from a current book - the beginning and - you guessed it - page 56.

This week's book-

Click the cover for the Goodreads blurb.

Here's my P56

"I have to look for her. I'm the only one who knows the kinds of places she'd hide."
Amanda gave Will one of her steely glares. "I swear on my life, Wilbur, if you take one step off this balcony, I'll have you in handcuffs before you see sunshine." 
His eyes burned with hatred. "I'll never forgive you for this."
Amanda made a show of pulling our her phone. "Add it to the list."

And the beginning... 

Will Trent was worried about his dog. Betty was getting her teeth cleaned, which sounded like a ridiculous waste of money for a pet, but when the vet had explained to Will all the terrible things that poor dental hygiene could do to an animal, he had been ready to sell his house in order to buy the little thing a few more precious years.

This is number 8 in the Will Trent series, for which Ms. Slaughter has made us wait for three years. That's a long time. But if, like me, you've read 1 through 7, it was worth waiting for. The characters have been so well developed through the other books, it feels like they live next door.

I love tough Amanda - the only one who calls Will "Wilbur". And Will, the brilliant but broken special agent with the GBI. Dr Sara Linton, the newly appointed GBI Medical Examiner, and Will's lover.  But this is about the search for Angie, Will's wife (yes!), and whether she is as evil as she seems. I breathed this book, I needed it so much. Review will be up next week, but it's well worth a read, and I highly recommend that you read others in the series first.

Happy reading everyone.


Lauren Stoolfire said...

I think I'll have to give this author a chance - I've heard so many good things.

Anne@HeadFullofBooks said...

I am most intrigued by the cover photo. Is it a bloody ID?

My Friday Quotes

Breana M. said...

Seems interesting. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :-)

Unknown said...

This sounds like such a wonderful read! I'll need to look into this one :). Happy reading!

karen said...

I think I may have read the first in the series when it first came out and then got distracted by everything else. I've got a lot of catching up to do!

Lisbeth said...

I have heard a lot of good about Karin Slaughter, but not read anything by her. Maybe I should look into this series. Thank you for sharing.

Katherine P said...

I've been wanting to read Karin Slaughter for ages and I love missing persons cases! This sounds like a book I'd enjoy! Adding it to my TBR right away.

fredamans said...

I need this book in my life. So far, and probably for the year, Pretty Girls by Karin Slaughter is my favorite read. :-)
Happy weekend!

Elza Reads said...

I haven't read any in this series. But this might tickle my fancy. Will have a look! Thanks for sharing. Here's my Friday Meets:

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

I love Slaughter's books and can't wait to get my hands on this one. I have it bookmarked on Amazon.

Here's mine: “FALLING”

Kathy Martin said...

I don't think I've read anything by this author. I should look for book 1 and give this series a try. I am spotlighting City of the Lost by Kelley Armstrong this week. Happy reading!

Anonymous said...

There is nothing like the love of a pet.

Bev Bouwer said...

Thanks for all the comments - it is a bloody ID, Anne. The first in this series is Triptych. I'll be visiting you all shortly. Have a great weekend.

Maria said...

Gah! Another series I'm going to have to add to my list - I love the sound of this book and the characters - the beginning really hit home for me because I dog sit my sister's doggies when she and her hubby go out of town and they just had a spa day and are getting a vet visit soon...tooth brushing here we come!
Here's my Friday meme

Unknown said...

I love these characters and want this book! Enjoy!

JC Jones said...

I just started another series that has 8 books so I will have to skip this one for now. It is going on my wish list.