Friday, 8 January 2016

Friday Book Score

 BookBeginnings is a weekly meme, hosted by Rose City ReaderTo participate, share the opening lines and your thoughts about a book you're reading, or about to.

"Living in Trenton in July is like living inside a big pizza oven. Hot, airless, aromatic. Because I didn't want to miss any of the summer experience, I had the sunroof open on my Honda CRX. My brown hair was pulled up into a wind-snarled, curls-gone-to-frizz  ponytail. The sun baked the top of my head, and sweat trickled under my black spandex sports bra. I was wearing matching spandex shorts and a sleeveless oversized Trenton Thunders baseball jersey. It was an excellent outfit except it gave me no place to stick my .38. Which meant I was going to have to borrow a gun to shoot my cousin Vinnie."

The book .... 

Four to Score by Janet Evanovich

This is number four in the Stephanie Plum - Bounty Hunter series. I started these (late) in 2015, and decided, rather than rush through them all, I would pick one up every now and then, when I needed a diverting, tried and tested, know-what -you're-in-for type of read. The formula is great. Humour, action, sarcasm, a female lead, a dashing love interest, and plenty of plot twists in the 300 or so pages. Always fun.

And just because this is such fun, and I so enjoy all your comments (thank you), I also participate in Friday56, hosted by Freda’s Voice on every Friday.

here are the Rules:

*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader (If you have to improvise, that's ok.)
*Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it)
*Don’t forget to add your post URL (not your blog url) at Freda’s Voice.  

So, again from Four to Score by Janet Evanovich

Here's an excerpt from page 56...

"Think you should stop your whining," she said to Kuntz," on account of it makes you look like a wiener. And with a name like Kuntz you gotta be careful what you look like."

Eddie cut his eyes to Lula. "Who's this?"

"I'm her partner," Lula said. "Just like Starsky and Hutch, Cagney and Lacey, the Lone Ranger and What's-his-name."

Truth is we were more like Laurel and Hardy, but I didn't want to share that information with Kuntz.

I'm in a good mood already. 

Here's the cover...

Have you read/watched Stephanie Plum? Leave a comment below, and I'll visit you over the weekend.


Lauren Stoolfire said...

I listened to the first one in this series on audiobook last month and really enjoyed it. :) Happy reading!

Check out my Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings).

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Oh, it's been too long since I read one of these books...I've actually only read a couple of the Bounty Hunter books. Thanks for sharing, and here's mine: “A LONG TIME GONE”

Bev Bouwer said...

Looks good, Lauren. Thanks for the visit.

sherry fundin said...

I love Evanovich and I couldn't56.
sherry @ fundinmental Friday Memes help but smile at your

Sandra Nachlinger said...

One of these days I'm going to start this series. I've heard so many good things about it. Love the opening and the 56 excerpt.
My Friday post features THE TIME IN BETWEEN.

Marie - Pages To Explore said...

I have only read the first book on this very long series. And that was years ago long before that mediocre movie came out. Is this series worth continuing?

My Friday: Marie @ Pages to Explore

Elizabeth said...

I think I have read only ONE of her books. I need to read more. :)

ENJOY, and thanks for sharing.

Silver's Reviews
My Book Beginnings

Maria said...

Lol..I love the beginning and the 56 - I haven't read any of the Stephanie Plum books but I did watch the movie and I want to read the books - Here's my Friday post

Bev Bouwer said...

Yes, they are certainly entertaining. Yours looks good too.

Bev Bouwer said...

Thanks for the visit

Bev Bouwer said...

Thanks, will visit today.

Bev Bouwer said...

Hi Marie. I loved #1 and #2. But then I thought I would take it slowly, because I think one can get bored. The books all follow the same formula. So I'm reading one or two per year. Will eventually get through them all. She has such a lively writing style, which I enjoy.

Bev Bouwer said...

I haven't watched the movie, but intend to. Thanks.

Bev Bouwer said...

Thanks Elizabeth, will visit today.

Jo said...

I love Stephanie Plum and am re-rereading the series this year, So far I have One for the Money, I have Two for the Dough coming from Bookmooch and I just picked up #12 at the library ,Janet Evanovich is one of my all time favorites!!

Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense said...

Oh, how funny! I like this woman already. Hope you enjoy and have a great weekend!

Bev Bouwer said...

She never fails to make me laugh out loud.

Bev Bouwer said...

You too. Thanks for the visit.

fredamans said...

LOL That 56 made me laugh out loud! Sounds like a great read! Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Lol, this sounds like such a funny read :D

Our BB

Bev Bouwer said...

Thanks for the visit.