Friday 22 January 2016

Friday Book Blessing

 The Friday 56 is hosted by Freda’s Voice every Friday. 
The Rules:

*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader (If you have to improvise, that's ok.)
*Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it)\

*Don’t forget to add your post URL (not your blog url) at Freda’s Voice.

BookBeginnings is a weekly meme, hosted by Rose City Reader. To participate, share the opening lines and your thoughts about a book you're reading, or about to.



1975: Her whole body shook as the adrenalin coursed through it. Sweat glistened on each unclothed patch of skin and relief from the pain washed over her like a wave. She knew instinctively that the physical ache would return between her legs and in the depths of her stomach but for now, in this instant, she was distracted by the little pink bundle and its continuous pitched wail. 

“Let me hold my baby. Please.I think it’s hungry.”


She felt her phone buzzing in her pocket and cursed herself for forgetting to turn the bloody thing off. She withdrew it discreetly and saw Bridget’s number flashing. In their line of work, there weren't many females and Laura has been grateful to meet another young woman when she joined the NCBI. In her experience, there was a type of professional woman who like to pull the ladder up once she’d climbed it. Laura thought women were better uniting to support one another, and she was delighted to find Bridget shared that mentality. They became fast friends.

My thoughts:

I’ve just started this - With our blessing, by Jo Spain.

The blurb on the back reads: 

1975: A baby, minutes old, is forcibly taken from its devastated mother.

2010: The body of an elderly woman is found in a Dublin public park in the depths of winter.

Apparently (author’s note in the beginning of the book), although fictional, these events are based on actual occurrences in Magdalene Laundries - a house for “fallen women”. 

I didn't even know these places existed, the last one closing as recently as 1996. I’m looking forward to finishing this weekend. It is quite long - 531 pages, but is moving quite quickly, and I am enjoying it so far. 

What do you think? Leave a comment, and I will visit you back.


Lauren Stoolfire said...

It sounds fascinating. I've heard of places like that but I had no idea that they existed for as long as that.

Check out my Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings).

Anne@HeadFullofBooks said...

I am glad you supplied us with a short summary because I just couldn't tell what was happening by the quotes.
I read The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao

Sandra Nachlinger said...

Sounds like an amazing story, especially since it's based on actual happenings. I don't often commit to books that are that long, but this sounds like one I'd enjoy.
My Friday post features THE LIGHT OF HIDDEN FLOWERS.

Marie - Pages To Explore said...

Sounds kind of spooky, biased on your thoughts.

My Friday: Marie @ Pages to Explore

Bev Bouwer said...

Me neither. Your Illuminae post looks so interesting.

Bev Bouwer said...

Yes - that is exactly why I gave the summary. A little confusing. But a great story, actually. Yours looks like a challenge. Well done for finishing.

Bev Bouwer said...

It sounds like you and I may have similar tastes - The Light of Hidden Flowers really appeals to me, and I am NOT looking for more to read!

Bev Bouwer said...

It is a little spooky, in that there is a mystery to solve, and someone is dead. But not so bad that I can't read it late at night. Thanks for the visit - I did comment on your Friday post too.

karen said...

Thanks so much for stopping by & commenting at The Well-Read Pirate Queen! This book definitely sounds like one I would enjoy ... well, maybe not "enjoy" like with giggles and such, but it definitely sounds like one that I would read :)

Lisa Ks Book Reviews said...

This one sounds good, but maybe a little too intense for me. I'd love for you to check out mine at

Juli Rahel said...

I saw this terrifying film a few years ago, 'The Magdalen Sisters', which is about this old Irish convent for "fallen women" and it treated these women absolutely terribly. Sounds like this could be a similar thing! I'm definitely intrigued and already like the friendship between Laura and Bridget! Thanks for sharing :) I hope you have a great week!
My Friday Post
Juli @ Universe in Words

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Those opening lines grabbed me and reeled me in. I knew nothing good could come afterwards....thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

Maria said...

I like the beginning and the 56 - I know about the "Magdalene Laundry" because of a movie I watched years ago about women who were reunited with children that were stolen from them there. I would probably enjoy this book - thanks for visiting my Friday meme

Breana M. said...

This sounds like an interesting novel.

Kim Griffin said...

That poor mother! This sounds really interesting! I'm going to have to add it to my TBR list! Thanks for sharing! Also, thanks for visiting my Friday post! Happy reading!

Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense said...

Love this excerpt, what a great philosophy to live by. Hope you enjoy your weekend!

Jo Spain said...

Bev, love that you're reading and enjoying my book. Hope you love it to the end! Jo Spain

Bev Bouwer said...

Thank you! Wow, and I haven't even finished it yet. Thanks for the visit and the comment. I'm not that far in, but I am really liking it so far.

Bev Bouwer said...

You are right - enjoy may be the wrong word. But it is very good. look out for it.

Bev Bouwer said...

Will do. Thanks

Bev Bouwer said...

Both your movie and my book are based on the same original "Magdalene Laundries" - Catholic houses as you say - most of the women had to do laundry work, hence the name.

Bev Bouwer said...

Always a pleasure. Enjoy the weekend.

Bev Bouwer said...

Never thought of that, but it is a great philosophy!

Bev Bouwer said...

That is the problem...TBR just keeps growing!

Bev Bouwer said...

It was, just finished. Loved it. Thanks for visiting.

fredamans said...

It sounds highly suspenseful. I like that. Happy weekend!

Yvonne @ Fiction Books Reviews said...

Hi Bev,

I have read several fictional accounts of life in Magdalene Laundries, which although not exclusively run by the Roman Catholic faith, undoubtedly brought that religion into disrepute, when accounts and proof of the widespread and systemic abuse of almost 30,000 'fallen' women, was uncovered.

Your opening lines were really descriptive, although I would have had no idea that this book was a crime thriller, if I hadn't checked it out. Ratings and reviews have been overwhelmingly good so far and as I am very partial to a good thriller, 'With Our Blessing' has been added to my list.

Thanks for sharing and I hope that you are 'enjoying' the book so far :)


Unknown said...

I liked the opening and the excerpt. Sounds like it would be a good suspense.

My 56 -

Anonymous said...

I agree with Friday 56. Women, I think, do support each other. Although I have heard of cat fights.

guiltlessreader said...

The cover looks creepy ... but that opening line, something all mothers can relate to!