Friday, 23 September 2016

Friday Books - Beneath the Surface

The best part about Friday is that we get to link up with these wonderful book bloggers and share our favourite reads.

BookBeginnings, hosted by Rose City Reader, and The Friday 56 - hosted by Freda’s Voice are where you'll find them. Both involve sharing excerpts from a current book - the beginning and - you guessed it - page 56.

Beneath the Surface by Jo Spain

This book gets off to a great start.

A man is shot and killed, in Leinster House - where all the senior politicians and members of Parliament spend most of their time.

Why? Could it be related to the one photograph found between his body and the ground? Or is there another reason.

This is Jo Spain's second novel, and I'm about halfway and loving it.

How many of us have done that? Texted someone in the same house as us? I have - to ask for tea!

Here's the cover (links through to Goodreads)

Tell me what you're reading in the comments, and I'll pay you a visit. 

Happy reading everyone.


Breana M. said...

I haven't heard of this one before, but I do like the 56 and the beginning.

fredamans said...

If I was beside my hubby and needed his attention, a text is the last thing I'd do. A smack upside the head would come first... lol.
Happy weekend!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

This one sounds sad....I felt myself pulled into the scenes. Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

Bill @ Billbrarian said...

This one sounds interesting. I might have to check it out. Have a great weekend!

Harvee aka Gerry said...

It does sound intriguing, and sad...

Kathy Martin said...

This sounds excellent. Thanks for visiting my blog. Happy reading!

Yvonne @ Fiction Books Reviews said...

Hi Bev,

I love everything about this book, so it has already joined the first book in the series, on my 'Want To Read' shelf.

I wouldn't bother texting hubbie to get his attention, although I have heard couples say that texting each other in the same room is the only way they can have a private conversation!

I like the way you presented this post as well. The text boxes are really clear to see and have a great impact.

Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend :)


Unknown said...

Great choice for your 56. Now I do want to read more.

My Friday 56 from Curse Of The Boggin

Lauren Stoolfire said...

Love those snippets, especially the beginning!

Thanks for sharing!

LadyD Piano said...

Relationships can be so complex and multi-layered. I like the sound of this one. Thanks for sharing! Happy reading!

Anne@HeadFullofBooks said...

Wow. The opening lines just sucked me right in. I bet I would enjoy this one, too.

Jo Spain said...

Thanks for picking up my second book, Bev! I look forward to hearing what you think of it. Jo

Bev Bouwer said...

Thanks Breanna. Loved the book. It's worth a read.

Bev Bouwer said...

The insight into the way Leinster House works is fascinating. Thanks for comment.

Bev Bouwer said...

It is both those.

Bev Bouwer said...

Thanks Yvonne - found a new way of inserting quotes. Once I've set it up it's quite easy. It is a marvelous book, and With our Blessing is too - I'm sure you'll love them both.

Bev Bouwer said...

Thanks Laura, I was hoping that would be the case.

Bev Bouwer said...

Loved your Friday book too, Lauren. Thanks for the visit.

Elza Reads said...

Hi Bev! This is an awesome pick this week. Will have a look at it now. Ha ha ha! - Texting in your own home..... yup, it happens very often. Me and my husband whatsapp each other on a regular basis even when we are both at home! Also love your new layout and look, nice job! Here's my Friday Meets:

Bev Bouwer said...

Absolutely! And makes for a great read.

Bev Bouwer said...

Having seen what you enjoy Anne, I think you would! X

Bev Bouwer said...

I am always so honoured when an author comments on my sharing of her book. Thank you so much. I finished last night and I absolutely loved the book. It was always going to be difficult to measure up to With Our Blessing - which I gave five stars, and it's still with me. That story was so strong and had such a powerful message. Happy to say that Beneath the Surface was every bit as good, but also wonderfully different. Thank you thank you for writing. Please don't ever stop. I love your work.

Bev Bouwer said...

Thanks Mareli - you are part of my inspiration. I think your blog is beautiful, which motivated me to spruce mine up a bit. X

Nicole said...

What a beginning. I want to know what is going on! Such a tease. Thanks for sharing!

Nicole said...

What a beginning! I want to know what is going on now! Such a tease. Thanks for sharing!

Jo Spain said...

I'm so thrilled Bev!!!! I think number 3, (it's just gone to proofing) is the best of the series in terms of mystery, and the publishers do too, so hopefully we're on a roll haha! Thank you xxx