It's the Friday Book Share Game to help search for that ideal novel/author, created by Shelley Wilson.
Anyone can have a go – all you need to do is answer the questions based on a book you enjoyed reading and use the hashtag #FridayBookShare
First line of the book.
Alice Lake lives in a house by the sea.It is a tiny house, a coastguard’s cottage, built over three hundred years ago for people much smaller than her.
'How long have you been sitting out here?'
'I got here yesterday.'
'Where did you come from?'
'I have no idea.'
East Yorkshire: Single mum Alice Lake finds a man on the beach outside her house. He has no name, no jacket, no idea what he is doing there. Against her better judgement she invites him in to her home.
Surrey: Twenty-one-year-old Lily Monrose has only been married for three weeks. When her new husband fails to come home from work one night she is left stranded in a new country where she knows no one. Then the police tell her that her husband never existed.
Two women, twenty years of secrets and a man who can't remember lie at the heart of Lisa Jewell's brilliant new novel.
Introduce the main character using only three words.
ALICE is silly, sentimental and brave.
Delightful design
Audience appeal
Everyone, but especially women - Lisa Jewell writes women's fiction that is a little more edgy than most (there's usually a body or two, or a missing child), but without the gory scenes that have become the trademark of modern thrillers.
Your favourite line/scene.
Alice takes up the slack in Sadie's lead and the poodle gets unsteadily to her feet, like a freshly birthed giraffe. Alice calls for the other two. They ignore her. She tuts and calls again. "Bloody idiots," she mutters under her breath. "Come on!" she yells, striding towards them. "Get here now!"
What do you think? I loved this book - here's my review.
What're you reading this weekend?
What do you think? I loved this book - here's my review.
What're you reading this weekend?
I love the sound of this, Bev. Intriguing opening line.
This book sounds really intriguing.
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