Friday 3 March 2017

Friday Books - 1984

Hello Friday Bloggers and fellow bookworms.

After yet another busy week, I'm hoping that the weekend brings some peace and quiet.

But before that...

BookBeginnings, hosted by Rose City Reader, and The Friday 56 - hosted by Freda’s Voice are the hosting sites for the Friday link ups, where we discover more books, and make friends. Both involve sharing excerpts from a current book - the beginning and - you guessed it - page 56.

Here's my Book Beginning...

The recommendations to read/reread 1984 haven't stopped. And since this is one I missed in my school reading list, I thought it'd be fascinating. How is that iconic opening line? To think that it was first published in 1949!

Here's my page 56...

The covers I've shown were from my Audible version (the red Hitler-esque one) and the other was the one that popped up online whenever I looked. It's kind of creepy, with that blurry eye looking at you, don't you think? Which one do you prefer? This book has been published so much, there are plenty more covers to like/dislike.

What do you think? Worth a re-read?

Have a happy weekend, and here's hoping we both get a lot of reading done.


Breana M. said...

1984 is one of those books I've been meaning to read for a very long time.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

I read it many years ago, but I think It might be time for a reread. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

Roberta Gibson said...

I did read it in high school, but it might be time to re-read it. Those covers are a bit chilling.

Elza Reads said...

Hi Bev!

How are you? Been a bit quite lately. BUT I did actually follow your blog on Facebook.

1984!!! Oh yes! Definitely keep reading. This was part of my school reading and like To Kill a Mockingbird and Kringe in 'n Bos - I will remember this forever and a day. Can't say I loved it. Too disturbing to love it - but a great great read!

Hope you will have a good weekend. Here's a link to my latest post:

Kathy Martin said...

I've never read this one. It wasn't on my high school reading list. This week I am featuring Justice Calling by Annie Bellet. Happy reading!

Lisa Ks Book Reviews said...

I've only read ANIMAL FARM by Orwell, but really enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing with us! I'd love for you and your readers to check out my BB and 56 . . .

Sandra Nachlinger said...

That first line is definitely famous! I read this book many, many years ago but should read it again from a more mature perspective.
Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment.
Sandy @ Writing With a Texas Twang

Maria said...

I too missed reading this in high school and feel like I should read -I actually liked the beginning. Here is my Friday meme

Unknown said...

I remember having to read this a long time ago. Didn't appreciate it then but I bet I would now.

My Friday 56 from Through Glass

fredamans said...

It's one I have never read. I should though! Happy weekend!

Gilion at Rose City Reader said...

Back to the classics!

Thanks for joining in on BBOF!

Unknown said...

Sorry. I left the wrong link!

My Friday 56 from Odds and Ends

Dual Reads said...

I can't believe I've never read this! Definitely need to add it to my Classics TBR!

Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense said...

I didn't get a chance to read this one in school, but read it later. I'd really like to revisit it though. Happy weekend!