Saturday 18 June 2016

Ten of the Best #50

Hello again. It's the middle of a long weekend, if you took leave on Friday. Or the weekend is here only two days after a holiday if you didn't. Either way, it's been a good week.

A very good week, in my case. No time for Facebook, or Twitter or Instagram. So here's a little catch up for you and me. The best posts of the week on our time lines, as per all my friends. Hope you find something fun.

There were many political posts this week, Either about the EFF's Julius, or more on how Zuma has lost the plot. But, IMO, Cheryl Carolus said it best. Watch here.

Once upon a time, a man rescued a deer...

The blog post - How to be Divorced. From the child's perspective. Well written and so worth the read. Click the picture for the article.

Staying with the clever teens who know. I loved this. A letter from your teen, that he/she won't ever write  toyou. There's something indescribably honest in here, that spoke to me.

Struggling with food cravings? The answer? Be mindful. And no, that doesn't mean colouring in pictures of food. This is what I mean...

And then there was the parody of every TED talk that I've seen. Brilliant.

I don't watch the America's Got Talent or The Voice or whatever music competition videos are playing. But this one is worth it. Don't ask me how I saw it if I never watch these  I'm not so sure myself. Grace breaks all the rules, and it's quite lovely. Worth a watch.

James Corden is Dancing with the Stars - choreographing the whole show. Only he's not. Five, Six, Seven, Eight...

What it means to hold space for someone. Have you ever done this? Or has someone done it for you? Lucky you.

It's Father's Day here tomorrow. These Dads are awesome. If you've got an awesome Dad nearby, find him and give him a big hug. Just because.

Happy Weekend everybody.

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