Sunday 15 October 2017

Ten of the Best #102

Hello everyone.

I know - it isn't Saturday morning, and you're not standing waiting for your park run to begin, or browsing the internet looking for news. But I've had so many things cross my timeline in the last few days, that were just so great, that I thought I had to do a Ten. So I'm breaking all the rules and publishing on a Sunday night - when no one is around, and if you are, you're not that interested. Right? For the newbies - these are the interesting things from my social media timelines. I used to do this weekly, now not so much. If you're having fun, click on the video link/picture to read the article, and come back to finish my list.

Trump was bitching and moaning about not getting any support from the stand up comedy shows that trash him, so Steven Colbert and Jon Stewart generously gave him equal time. Here's the hilarious result.

Trump's "Calm before the storm comments REALLY got Eminem going. But watch out - if you do watch that, it has loads of offensive language in it. Rather watch what James Corden said about the whole thing.

Meanwhile, Trevor Noah asks "When is the right time for black people to protest?"

Pink's powerful message to her daughter - I loved it.

This is so great - we need more of these.  This one's called Nude Foods. Haha.

Thoughts on Vegas, and why men keep doing things like Vegas - I thought this article was really good.

Tired of getting catcalled, this woman started taking selfies with the catcallers... the best news is its going to be illegal soon in her home country. Yours? Nah, mine neither...

The woman had her tubes tied at age 31, and it's not up for discussion. I think this is more prevalent than we think.

This story made me laugh - the story of the poo-throwing woman. Warning - it's a little revolting, but still very funny. Very.

I think I've shared this before - if you want to know why you should visit SA. Here's why.

The bonus post is a bit of a plug, but it's for such a good cause. There is an organ donor walk at the Zoo in Johannesburg upon Saturday 21st October at 08h00. We did it last year, and it was loads of fun. Come if you can.

Happy last few hours of the weekend. Hope it's been fun!

More Tens.

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