Saturday 1 September 2018

Ten of the Best #132

Hey! I know I'm late today, but can't let the weekend pass us by. Here're all the best reads and watches from your timelines. Thank you so much for sharing, and for stopping by to catch up on what you may have missed.

This made me giggle. Northerner terrifies Londoners by saying "Hello".

Ariana Huffington writes to Elon Musk and tells it like it is. In the words of God, speaking to Abram, "Listen to the woman".

Lewis Pugh did it!

Trevor Noah on how a millennial will punish her kids.

What Theresa May did in SA, apart from some bad dancing, purportedly. And Zapiro did it again - captured the moment, and the elephant at the same time.

Speaking of awkward - how's this interview?

Katherine Johnson turned 100 this week. In celebration, I'm sharing my favourite clip of her receiving the medal of freedom. Click the pic.

Emma Thompson is hilarious.

Neil Patrick Harris interviews kids for Ellen

This was a great read. 13 Reasons Why You Should Read “Women Who Run With the Wolves” Instead  - Kami León.

That's your Ten, hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend.

For those of you who still want more, here's a twenty minute Trevor binge - all the winning that Trump said he'd do. I'm halfway but planning to watch the whole thing later.

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