Monday 17 September 2018

Back to the future

Good morning. Time to rise and shine.

I love days like today. There are no more excuses. No check-ups, no hidden lurgies lurking in lungs, no clouds in the sky, and we have every reason to do this, and to do this right.

We're starting the week off with a run (or a walk, whatever your poison), and we are going to keep running (or walking) until we reach our fitness destination.

Spring and summer stretch ahead, full of promises of awesome long days, warm sunny weather. We've got our shoes, our heads in the game and there isn't anything that is going to stop us now - not even any thunderclouds and lightning, or silly splashes of rain.

We've even got our jam - it's Europe - The Final Countdown. It's old, but it feels right for today.

Who's in? Come run with me.

Last week's Monday Motivation. (From two weeks ago - Rise 'til we fall).

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