Friday 6 January 2017

Best of 2016

Good morning. It's 2017, and you're back here. Where we look at the stuff from our social media feeds we had no time to read during the week.

Happy New Year! It's been a while since I've been in the blogosphere. I had an awesome break, and let's hope I can remember how this works - I raid all your time lines for the best shares and collect my favourites here in one place for you to look at when you have time, on a Saturday, not at work, using your own wifi connection. Something like that. Ok, let's do this.

Aren't we all so glad 2016 is over? Despite all the rants and moans and whines about the year that took so many good people and left us so many duds, when we look back, it wasn't all bad. For every Trump there was a Thuli, and for Zuma we had Zapiro.

Before 2017 gets going too fast, it's time to recap on the bestest, funniest and popularest snippets from my Tens of the Best during 2016. I chose these top ten, but if you have other favourites, please feel free to share in the comments below. Here they all are, if you want to check what I missed..

Remember this, from last year, before all the protests started, how this young lady inspired us all? The lovely Lovelyn Nwadeyi from Stellenbosch University featured in February 2016. Click the picture to read the article and full transcript. It's worth a re-read.

In stark contrast, was "the best burns from the Dowager". Definitely a highlight, and one I keep going back to, for inspiration.

How could we forget the 1st of April? The night we thought that Zuma may go. Or at least apologise.  But he didn't. More fools us. This clip summarised all our reactions.

The 15 pictures showcased on this site from the National Geographic Photographer of the Year 2016 competition were exceptionally beautiful, and my favourites for the year.

And then things started being a little strange. Brexit, that needed an explanation from Trevor Noah.  

And Benedict Cumberbatch explained the US election in this unforgettable clip.

This was the best bookish post - the 51 greatest sentences in literature.

This was shared early in the year, but seems to be doing the rounds again. Michael Binder  was inspired to do a mashup, using dance scenes from movies that only came out of the Golden Age of cinema. Great soundtrack and wonderful choreography.

This clip filled my soul. The gorgeous musicality and breathtaking lyrical arrangement of Stand by You performed by the Drakensberg Boys Choir.

The one that gets me every time. I still refer to it, often, and it still has the power to make me laugh until the tears stream. It's the voice activated lift. Oh my goodness, it's funny.

That's my ten best of 2016. But there's still time for a bonus track. Of course there is.

James Corden featured big time on my weekly tens, and he did a Christmas mash up, that because I was on a break, I didn't get to post. It's delightful, and here, in case you missed it.

Happy weekend everyone! See you during the week for some books I've been reading, or next week for a brand new Ten of the Best.

Make it awesome.

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