Saturday 4 August 2018

Ten of the Best #128

Hello everyone. Welcome to the round up of the best social media feeds ever - that's because they're from your timelines. I just put them together in one place. Enjoy, click on the images to read, and use that back button to come back for more.

Here's an article for you. Why selfies are linked to narcissism, mental problems, and in one case may have led to suicide. Followed by sixteen examples of selfies people take. Because that's not going to encourage those who do this stuff to take some more 🙈. Read at your own peril.

Guess what the dumbest office management fad of all-time is? Work-from-home? No. Endless meetings? No. Hot desking? Not that either. It's open plan. Imagine that.

Ok, we all know this, but it's really good to read it again. From science, you know. Why getting lost in a book is so good for us. In so many different ways. Truly.

Speaking of reading, Ikea have set up a reading room in their Wembley store - you read the Man-Booker longlist for free until Sunday 5th August. You need to book though, and for us, that's a plane ticket too. Bravo Ikea, though. Let's do that in SA too!

You may know this already, but it has a bearing on those people who still receive and pay e-tolls. They're going to be scrapped. Completely. And given that R3bn was written off in outstanding fines last year, it's probably not worth paying those irritating little invoices.

How's this? Shireen Mentor has been awarded a scholarship. For science. So girls aren't that good at science, hmmm? And click the pic to read what her research was on. Well done Shireen.

Such a beautiful letter - What I wish I knew about money. Written by Sunel Veldtmann to her brand new niece. Read it. More than once.

I liked this article on "Toxic Help" written by Mandy Collins. I also liked the quote on compassion - they kind of go together. In my head, that is.

A husband and wife ice skating - Alexa Scimeca-Knierim and Chris Knierim. Just because I love this stuff.

Why, if you're over 40, you should only work a three day week. Worth a try.

And I know it's eleven, but did you know that every day of the Tour de France, 13 women rode the route before the men did. Here's why.

Ok, roll on the weekend, we're ready for it.

Here's last week's post.

And some more.

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