Saturday 18 March 2017

Ten of the Best #84

Hey hey hey, it's Saturday. Yes it is. So stay right there, unless you don't have your morning brew yet. If you don't, you may go and get it, if you promise to come right back.

The fun starts here, when we recap - all those videos we never watched to the end, because the wifi was so slow, or we ran out of data on the train, those articles that looked so interesting, but were just too long to read, and those adorable animals, but we skimmed past, because we were sitting next to the boss in the meeting, and had to put out phones down. (Not that that ever happens, right?)

This week was a cracker. I'm sure you all saw the guy whose kids interrupted his oh-so-professional-from-my-home-office TV report. It was fabulous. Jimmy Kimmel includes it in his round up of the US week, which also summarises the storm, the healthcare bill, and Kelly-Anne Conway's latest faux pas. I don't know about you, but I prefer getting my news from comedians these days.

Did you see someone uploaded how the female version of the BBC guy would have turned out. Take a look, it's hilarious.

Not so funny is the fact that it only took a few days for this to happen to the little girl facing down the Wall Street bull (see last week's ten for the story). A few days. Pity Trump never tweeted about this.

That got me thinking and remembering something I saw last week -  about women and men in the workplace. True story, real evidence. Fascinating. Outcome: she left. Click the picture for the story, told in tweets.

Is that why wine? Read this (fairly lengthy, but excellent) article from Marie Claire. You tell me? Because if that is why we drink, it also may be why I stop. (BTW, I loved this Sarah Bessey very personal account on why she stopped, too.)

In local news, SASSA made the Constitutional Court yesterday. Pierre de Vos summed up possibilities, but click the Zapiro pic for the outcome. Bravo bravo Mogoeng Mogoeng.

This is one reaction to the ongoing saga. It's only Ndileka Mandela, quoting her grandfather. And it's nothing like what the ANCWL said at the end of the previous article. Thinking (hoping) there may be many more.

If I wrote a book, I'd be mad if the movie adaptation was significantly different. It happened to Jodi Picoult, except that everyone preferred her original book to the movie, so she was vindicated, sort of. Here are some more authors who hated the movies.

And this court case reveals when the Oxford comma can be very, very important.

Stop the world for a minute and listen to Pentatonix. Their haunting harmonies reveal the genius of John Lennon's Imagine, and the message they've chosen to portray is powerful. I loved this.

You see. Music lessons, and you could have done that. That, and so much more - read this.

That's our ten, that's actually eleven (yes, count it out) folks. See you next week, same time, same place for some more.

Here's last week, in case you missed it.

And the year, so far.

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