Saturday 24 February 2018

Ten of the Best #113

Good morning everyone! And what a week it was. Isn't it great to be waking up on a Saturday knowing there is so much to catch up on. If your week was anything like mine, it was just too busy too keep up. No worries, here's the news, the funny and the fun that you missed. All in one place - if it was on my time lines this week, that is.

Let's start with the high drama of the week, shall we? Emma Gonzalez, the girl whose Trump tweet after the Parkland, Florida shooting went viral, helped organise a march. And she's mad. Click the meme, watch the speech - all of it, if you haven't yet. Then come back here for more news

And this is what Trump did. Apart from tweeting about bringing more guns in, of course.

And just in case we forgot about how a president should respond to these issues...Obama on taking away guns. Oh the sensible-ness of it all...

Meanwhile in SA, we are living on Rations of Ramaphosa. So much of hope. Take it easy, guys.

Here's some more. Apart from the walking, which I love - and that he's encouraging SA to get out there and do it, I think Mrs Ramaphosa is amazing. Yay.

"Ah – “skein”. This was my first meeting with the word. It looked strange then and it looks strange now. But I stomped off to ask Dad what it meant and so bent it to my will. It has not come in particularly useful since, but if you make usefulness your metric for life it will not be much of a life." I love Lucy Mangan's  writing - here she waxes lyrical about reading memories from childhood. Enjoy.

In other literary news, The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society is coming to the big screen. Yay! I can't tell you how much I enjoyed that book. One for our new-found favourite thing to do on a week night, dear...

Ever wondered what those colours on the back of the toothpaste mean? Nah? Me neither. Well wonder no more, anyway. 

And some animal pics with cute renaming conventions....

We're signing out with my favourite moment from the Winter Olympics (so far). Everyone thought that Russian Evgenia Mevedeva had the figure skating in the bag. Here's the story (Olympics took down the video)

And then 15 yo also Russian Alina Zagitova took the gold. Amazing stuff. Watch that video before it gets taken down too. Editor's note - Guess what, they took it down. Why, why why? Here's a clip of the same routine, but not the Olympics. I know, it's not the same, but if I find and post a clip, what's the bet it's taken down again.

That's all from me this week, guys. Busy weekend ahead....hope you enjoy yours!

Happy happy.

Last week's Ten.

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