Friday 9 June 2017

Friday Books - Diamond

After a short blogging break, I'm back. What do you mean, you didn't even miss me?

BookBeginnings, hosted by Rose City Readerand The Friday 56 - hosted by Freda’s Voice both host sites for Friday link ups, where we discover more books, and make friends. Both involve sharing excerpts from a current book - the beginning and - you guessed it - page 56.

Today I'm featuring  Diamond  - The History of a Cold-Blooded Love Affair by Matthew Hart.

Here's the cover

From the blurb - "On a hot morning in May, 1999, three garimpeiros (small-scale miners) found a large pink diamond in the muddy waters of the Abaete River in Brazil, a discovery that captivated the entire diamond trade. Beginning with this dramatic and revealing tale, Matthew Hart embarks on a journey into an obsessive, largely hidden, and utterly fascinating world."

I loved this, also from the blurb -

Diamonds also have their dark side. "Malfeasance rustles in the background of the diamond world like a snake in dry grass," writes Hart as he documents the relentless and ingenious thievery that pervades the business, and the even more damaging revelations of "war diamonds" financing brutal conflicts in Africa. Who will rule diamonds now, and what form the once-secretive business will take, are the issues of the day.

Have a lovely weekend, and hope you get some reading done. Tell me what your intentions are in the comments, and I'll pop over.


Lauren Stoolfire said...

This sounds like it could be fascinating. Thanks for sharing!

Roberta Gibson said...

Welcome back. Lot's of intrigue in the world of diamonds.

Hope you have a good weekend, too.

Breana M. said...

This one looks pretty interesting. Enjoy your current read!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Great excerpts! I am now very curious. Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog.

Dual Reads said...

This one sounds interesting!

Catherine @ Book Club Librarian said...

Sounds like an adventurous and informative read. Enjoy!

Kathy Martin said...

Sounds like it could be a fascinating story. This week I'm featuring Come and Find Me by Hallie Ephron. Happy reading!

Jo-Ann said...

Beautiful, descriptive writing! Thanks for sharing and thanks for stopping by my blog!

fredamans said...

I love that the author tells you what a Garimpeiro is. Learn something new everyday. :-) Happy weekend!

Yvonne @ Fiction Books Reviews said...

Hi Bev,

Whilst probably not one for my own reading list, this one does sound very intriguing and the tone of the writing very descriptive which helps to set the atmosphere of time and place.

It was very good of the author to explain the definitions of some words, although if he hadn't, they would have made great examples for my post in the 'Wondrous Words Wednesday' meme!!

I also like the sentence you shared from the blurb about snakes in the grass, although I do confess to not being a huge snake fan, after a couple of near miss experiences with unknown varieties of snake!

Thanks for sharing, enjoy and have a good weekend :)
