Ok, confession time...(haha - see what I did there?) Do you have a favourite book?
Don't give me that "How could you?" look. I know you love ALL the books you own. They are ALL deserving of your love and attention. But what about authors? Can you have favourites of those? Yes?Well ok, then.
I have to confess that this one was special. And Jo Spain, dare I say it? Yes I do - you're one of my favourites.
Harry is famous and wealthy and married and charismatic and handsome and - I'm sure you get the picture, he has it all. Until one night he is attacked in his home by an intruder, who promptly admits that he did it, hands himself over and gets arrested. Now Harry's wife Julie can sleep at night, tucked up in their secure and glamorous home on a golf estate. Except you know she can't. Something's wrong. This is too neat and tidy, and JP's confession is too...well, convenient.
Secrets and lies, layers upon layers of them emerge. Secret secrets and lies about lies. Alice Moody is in charge of the police investigation, and she is marvellous (another favourite, I think). As each truth is teased out, every gaping hole exposed and the last defining detail proved beyond doubt, we are left gasping, breathless, yet unable to look away. Or stop reading.
I dare you to put this book down once you've started. Ok, maybe for a cup of tea while you put the pieces of your shattered heart back together. But not for any longer. As one reviewer has already pointed out, we need a new word for gripping, when it comes to describing The Confession.
5 stars