Monday 12 October 2015

Disclaimer by Renee Knight

This book that popped up everywhere, tempting me to read it. So one day, I just bought it. I kind of had to.

Here is (some of) the publisher’s blurb which explains why: 

“Finding a mysterious novel at her bedside plunges documentary filmmaker Catherine Ravenscroft into a living nightmare. Though ostensibly fiction, The Perfect Stranger recreates in vivid, unmistakable detail the terrible day Catherine became hostage to a dark secret,…”

A great premise.

But as the plot unfolds, it doesn’t do the premise justice. It is just not good enough to live up to the suspenseful start.

Not that it is not good at all. It is definitely gripping. The way in which it is told draws you in and makes you want more. However, the writing is not brilliant and the characters were not all that likeable. Twists and turns are fun, and lead the reader in the wrong direction, which is fine (I usually enjoy that) but if you go back and check afterwards the whole thing kind of falls over a bit.

And then a week or so later, you find yourself saying – Disclaimer, yes that was ok, what was it about again? A bit like a tame roller coaster ride, that whilst in the moment was enjoyable, but not breathtaking. And, thinking about it afterwards, you don’t really have much to say.

2 stars

ISBN: 9780857522818

All my reviews.

Book Club recommendations

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