Saturday, 20 August 2016

Ten of the Best #59

Good morning sunshine. It's been a week. Such a week. The big question for me is whether I exclude all the many Olympian posts from today's ten, and devote a page to them tomorrow? Or whether we just pop them in today. There are so many.

Let's start and see how we go.

We didn't find any book posts last week. Disaster. Tragedy. What do you mean, you didn't notice? (Grrr emoticon). So we are going to start with one, the fake book covers on the subway. Hilarious. Click the pic. Don't read it!

Trouble sleeping? Try this. Then tell me if it works, please. I keep seeing it, but my worry is that if I ever have trouble falling asleep, I won't remember this method. And if you think I'll find it in the middle of the night on my phone, you and I are both kidding ourselves. And besides, I can't get on my phone, if I do, I'll never fall asleep. Ever. Oh, the anxiety. 

The guitarist. This one. Lovely stuff. Just enjoy. Don't read the comments about how it's all been done before. This one is good, and music makes us happy. Comments make us irritated.

You, back already? So you didn't read the comments, then? Oh good. Here's the lowdown on why music is good for us in so many ways. A good summary. Oh, and it helps us sleep too, so 4-8-7, or is it 4-7-8, doesn't matter, I don't need you anymore.

William the worm steps up this morning. It's a tragedy. His funeral. This is funny, if it really happened. It seems legit to me. And I love that the dialogue lasted so long, and was so clever. Enjoy.

Look at us go. Here we are on number six already, and not an Olympian in sight. Fibromyalgia insights from this website - which confirm that this is not an "imaginary" disease. That makes me so mad - even if it is psychological, these people are hurting, and we should find ways to help them, not look at them thoughtfully and wonder how much they're making up. And science usually comes out on the side of the people fighting, not the clever doctors pondering.  Pity it's only years later.

The animal sound man is funny. My question - do you think he can do this without the pencil behind his ears? Come on, of course he can't. 

Inspiration for next week's slog at the office. This clip is cute, funny yet inspirational at the same time. I enjoyed it. Don't worry, you won't remember it by Monday.

And we've stayed away from politics this whole time. Oh, you've missed that, have you? Well then, here you go - "Is the Trumpster heading for the Dumpster?" I liked this one.

On SA, Barney Pityana wrote this, which is a great summary of the demise of the ANC, why he didn't vote for them, and who he did vote for. Good stuff.

Friends, that's ten. My favourites from my social media feeds this week. Hope you had a good time reading them. As I sign out, here's a snippet of what's to come in SA. Not sure it's a good thing, but you can bet I'll try one. Another reason I cannot wait for Spring to spring.

On that note, cheers! Here's to an awesome weekend.

Last week's post.

More Tens.

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