Friday 15 April 2016

Friday 56 and Book Beginnings

The Friday 56 is hosted by Freda’s VoiceGrab a book, any book. Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader (If you have to improvise, that's ok.) Find any sentence, (or few, just don't spoil it)

Between you and me by Lisa Hall

Here's my P56

Stretching, I yawn and close my eyes. Despite feeling so tired, I know I won't be able to go back to sleep. Maggie is beginning to stir next door, little shuffling noises coming from her room as she fidgets in bed, and it won’t be long before she is up and ready for another day.

BookBeginnings is a weekly meme, hosted by Rose City Reader. To participate, share the opening lines and your thoughts about a book you're reading, or about to.

The first time you hit me it was a shock, but not a surprise. Surely this is the natural progression of things? Starting with he little things, like wanting to know where I’ve been, who I’ve spoken to, escalating to a little push her, and a shove there, until now, when a slap almost feels like a reward - and I’m thankful that it wasn't something worse, that there are no bones broken this time.

Told from two points of view - Charlie’s and Sal's, this is a story about domestic violence, how it affects relationships and how complicated and difficult it is to deal with and end. What I loved about the telling of it was how relatable it is. You find yourself hearing yourself or your other half, and then you stop, horrified. Is that where this could go? Are we capable of that?

Maggie is their small daughter, and you find yourself worrying about her too. And the family, and the neighbours, and just about everyone. This is a page turner of note, and has a wonderful twist towards the end. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Here’s my review - no spoilers. 

Tell me what you're reading, and I'll pay you a friendly visit. Happy reading everyone.


  1. Sounds like this would be emotionally hard to read. I am spotlighting Love, Lies and Spies by Cindy Anstey this week. Happy reading!

  2. So dark. I would have to be in just the right mood for it. A topic that should be read though.

    My Friday 56 from The Overnight

  3. This sounds like a hard book to read but a compelling one. Just from the excerpts Sal sounds like a character who is very easy to relate too which I image makes this even more compelling!

    1. Both Sal and Charlie were compelling characters. I thoroughly enjoyed the book

  4. These situations are so hard to think about and to read about. Glad you found it worthwhile.

    1. Yes, I agree, but I couldn't help thinking that more should be written on this subject.

  5. Oh, I wouldn't say this would be an enjoyable read, but I'm sure I'd be drawn in. Domestic violence was a familiar theme in the work I did for many years...and while most of my colleagues would steer clear of this kind of read, I seem compelled to read these books. Thanks for sharing...I do want to know more.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. Thanks for stopping by - totally agree with you.

  6. Not sure I could read this, but good to hear you made it through.

    Thanks for sharing, and have a good weekend.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Book Beginnings

    1. Loved the look of the book you shared too.

  7. This isn't the kind of book I would normally pick up, but it seems like it could be okay.

  8. Sounds like a powerful read and probably difficult at times to read. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  9. This sounds like a difficult book to read. I would probably pass but hope you enjoy.

    1. It went quite quickly, so I didn't struggle. But it was emotional.

  10. Probably not something I'd end up reading. It's one of the things I love about these memes, though, as they help me decide what I don't want to read as often as they give me books to add to my TBR :)

    1. It's a bit of a relief - not one to add to the pile.

  11. Run girl, run from the abuse!! I could not handle this one and all the drama! Hope you're enjoying the thriller and not letting the details consume you! :-)

    1. Thanks! Yes I am. And thanks for the visit.

  12. This sounds interesting - not sure it's something I could read but it's definitely a topic that needs to be discussed more and dealt with. Thanks for visiting my Friday meme

  13. I really like the sound of that opening. Makes me want to know what's going to happen.

    Check out my Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings).

    1. Your book looks good too. It was worth a read.

  14. Don't know that I could read this one. Hits too close to home for me. I survived domestic abuse, and when it book, I am very choosy over what I read when it's that topic. I do hope you enjoy it though. Happy Sunday!

    1. I hear you - can't be too careful what you read.


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