Saturday, 22 August 2015

Ten of the Best #9

Happy weekend to you all. It’s been a long week, but you made it to the weekend.

If you’re new to Ten of the Best, here's what it's all about - the 10 things I enjoyed most on social media this week, thanks to all of your timelines. I started, because I don't always have time during the week to read the articles properly and watch the clips.  I collect them and put them in one place, weekly. The weekend is a great time to catch up. And for some reason, where I live, the speed of internet connection is really best on a Saturday morning. Click on the pictures for the links to the articles or clips, and use your back button on your browser to come back here.

If you’re not new to this, you know what to do – skip past the stuff you’ve seen or doesn’t interest you. Hope you find something you like.

1.    This group got together and wrote and sang a song entitled “Cheap flights”. We’ve all done it – tried to find the cheapest flights, and been caught by hidden terms and conditions that we didn’t know about. Warning – this is quite a long clip (5 or so minutes), but heck it’s that funny (and catchy), it’s worth it. Trust me.

And now for three proudly SA moments...(We need to keep repeating these, we don't have a lot to feel good about in SA these days)

2.    Chad le Clos and Cameron van der Burgh keep getting gold – in Paris.
Well done guys – we are proud of you!

3.    Gareth Crocker is a great SA author. His latest book is The Last Road Trip, and it’s about people travelling through our beautiful Karoo. His first – Finding Jack - featured a dog in Vietnam. This week I found the story behind Finding Jack – it’s wonderfully inspirational – to readers and writers alike.

4.    Darrel Bristol-Bovey wrote an excellent piece called Strangers on a Plane. It made me think about my habits when travelling. There is an upside to being a little more open to those around us, instead of earphones in, eyes closed and shut the world out. We are human, after all.

5.      Simon and Garfunkel wrote and sang amazing songs in that bygone era, when I was, like 2. Apparently had a fairly acrimonious break up, and stopped. So in their (not my) elderly years, they redid this one. Funnily enough, I didn’t get even a little sentimental watching this, even though I am a big fan of Mrs Robinson and Little Suzy etc. I couldn’t help wondering how much they were paid to do this – especially since they didn’t seem to like each other much after the break up. Am I a cynic? Can you feel the love?

6.    Michael McIntyre is a great comedian. This clip is advertised to be about people who don’t have kids and have no idea what it’s like. Actually it’s about those of us who do have kids, and how life changes forever. It is funny.

7.    Some Friends nostalgia– Joey’s bloopers this time. Why this is called a gag reel, I do not know, but Americans do make up some good words.

8.    I am a huge electronic book fan, because the prices and accessibility mean I can read more books. But I DO still read the real thing. And I agree with those of you who argue that reading is about smelling the book, feeling the book, turning the brand new or old musty pages. There is a magical, mystical element to reading actual books. But here’s another reason books beat kindles/ipads/tablets – try doing this with your device and let me know how it works for you?

9.    No way – moms go back to work 2 weeks after childbirth. This should be banned. It isn’t good for anyone.

10.  This is great – some groomsmen who actually can dance – love it! It's also long (7mins), but I couldn't stop watching. Especially loved the end when everyone joins them.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Last week’s Ten of the Best.


  1. Love your Friday Round up! I really enjoyed clicking to their stories.
    Thanks for joining the Drop and Hop! The party should last a couple days. I hope you meet some new bloggers!

  2. Thanks for hosting the drop and hop. Great idea. I will be back to visit your blog again.


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