Thursday 30 April 2015

My Review: Gray Mountain by John Grisham

3 out of 5 stars

My issue with this book wasn't that it was an issue novel. I liked the fact that the heroine was taking on such an important task, and fighting against  a part of the destruction that is waged daily against nature in all parts of our world.

In usual Grisham style, this was a page turner, and the constant action kept me on the edge of the bed, and up late at night. That's what the three stars are for.

But the characters were not as great as they could have been, and the ending was enormously disappointing. I suppose that is what you must expect when your "villain" isn't a person, but is an issue. Nobody wins. Not even the reader.

ISBN: 9781473610415

Here are all my reviews and recommendations.

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